Enter up to 20 Links (Each Links must be on separate line)
Page authority is provided by Moz, this metric level URL - means that each URL has its own permissions and authority. Both metrics have a logarithmic value between 1 and 100, which means that it is more difficult for the value to be 30 of 20, such as 10 to 20. Higher page deletion rates allow the user to own the page. Better positioning in search engines.
The page is created by Moz, a tool that verifies the current classification of a single URL or a particular page. It is important to understand the current permissions of the sites that need to update the page.
Moz uses a logarithmic scale of 100 points to mark the level of the AP. Users of page rank checking services should know that it is much more difficult from 70 to 80 than 20 to 30.
What we want to emphasize is that an authority verification page is mainly a comparison tool. Therefore, the concept of a "good" or "bad" brand is irrelevant here. Before using the AP Verifier, you must understand its objectives. Your goal is if you should know what this information does for you. The correct and specific goal is to generate results when you need to link to the purchase link system and plan to create the next step for the link. Prior to this, it was important to understand the general state of the link profiles that affect DA and PA.
Each site that defines the page sends it to a part of the link authority. This can be seen as a vote for the quality of the page and the entire site. The more sounds you have, the more your search engine will position your site. Therefore, the same website and the page have something in their privilege level. They obtain it based on similar criteria and maintain the integrity of the site, must know the same domain rate and the same page permissions. This may happen and the two scores may vary.
There are many online search engine and marketing optimization platforms on the web, and there are AP verification tools. Free Online Bulk Page Authority Checker 2019 or DA PA Checker of Moz is the most reliable platform to verify PA and DA. Of course, many new SEO services appear every day. It is best to use one that gives you the most exact results.